Monday, August 17, 2009

1. Describe something you learned.

WOW! How much I could say!!!
1) The refresher this morning on the stats was great - the other ways to explain what the various measures represent or how they are determined make sense to me and clearly come from experience from those who have already had to convey them to perhaps "reluctant" students.
2) The three groupings of measures made sooooooo much sense to me and again provide hooks I could use myself with students to relate to.
3) The applications this morning are very helpful and certainly of interest to my students.
4) As for this afternoon, almost everything was new - the wikispaces, rss feeds, blogging, and of course Fathom! All new, but with enough connection to what I already know that I can follow - the stretch is not tooooo much, but then again how much will I retain????

2. What do you still have questions about or would still like to learn?
I have tons I want to learn about connecting with students in "relevant" ways. I haven't read the homework article yet, but I realize I have a little reluctance about totally meeting kids with the digital approach. Yes, I know that this is how they relate, but I have begun to be a little concerned about students who live in a virtual world but don't conenct very well in the pratical, connected physical world. They seem to have so little live on-hands experinces. I can see already before even starting to meet them half way on these tools that our education has to shift to address the losses as well!

3. What applications are there to classroom practice?
I want to be able to communciate professionally and in a digital way. I have groups of "math challenged" students I will be working with this year and am looking for ways to bring them to the table in a compelling way. Today's intro to math analysis and the data from DASL is stuff I would have used in my biology classes, but will use in the into algrebra classes.

I want more hooks and ideas, because I am shifting from having just taught calculus and am headed to the other end.


  1. I can relate to your concerns about balance in teaching our students lives. Angie and I discuss what parts of this technology we will incorporate, and what we are not comfortable with at this time. I do like the blog idea -- having student questions in advance of classtime -- maybe from home when they are stuck.

    Thanks for being thorough in your blogging. It is fun to read.


  2. Hi Linda, we will have discussion what is best for students in this digital age.
