Learn how to explore and interpret a visualization organized around scatter plots.
Your first look at this visualization shows a lot of data in three different frames. Use these following prompts to guide you through the basics.
- What three variables appear to contribute to obesity?
- Note the labels on the axes. What units of measurement were used to construct these graphs?
- What information becomes available to you when you land on a bubble of data in any frame?
- Not all of the x-axes start at zero. How does this influence your interpretation of the data when comparing the effects of the three variables?
- What differences, if any, can you find between the different regions with regard to the effect of eating limited vegetables and fruit?
- What differences in eating habits might you expect in the four regions of the US?
- Are there any regions in which one of the variables is not as highly correlated with a high level of obesity?
- How can you tell?
- Make a general summarizing statement regarding the contributions of each of the three factors for each region.
- Which variables have slopes that appear to differ from the others?
- Which variable show the greatest variability between the four regions in its contribution to obesity? (You may want to look at all 4 regions at once to view the trendlines simultaneously.)
- How can you find the "slope" of the trendline?
- Which trendline has the lowest slope? What is it?
- What explanations do you have for this lower slope?
- What does the "y-intercept" of each trendline tell you?
Once you find your county, click on it to highlight it in all three frames.
- How does your county's location compare to the trendline for all the counties in your state for each of the three variables?
- Which county shows the highest rate of obesity? the highest rate of smokers? the highest rate of NOT eating veggies and fruits?
- Using the context of what you know about your state, what reasons can you give for the life-habits of the populations of these less healthy counties?
- How does your county compare to the county with the highest rate of smokers?
- How does your county compare to the county with the lowest rate of smokers?
- Sort your counties by obesity. Which variables have the highest percentages?
- Sort your counties by smokers. What happens to the rankings of obesities?
- Examine your selected counties compared to the national display.
- How do you compare to the "big picture" in the cluster of points? compared to the trendlines?
- What are your conclusions about the level of obesity in different regions of the nation?
- Export your data and print the table and images (see bottom icons) of your selected counties as evidence of your exploration and attach to your responses to these questions.